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Town of Kiten

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Town of Kiten (population: 528) is situated at the south end of Primorsko Bay, 56 km south of Bourgas and 446 south-east of Sofia. The town is the successor of the Urdoviza Fortress situated on the cape itself. The Romans called the settlement Oroudiza.It is based on the northern mouth of Karaagach River (Kiten River), and a small part of the village is on the small peninsula Urdoviza. The coast of the peninsula is steep and 10- 15 meters high.
Kiten is one of the most attractive sites on the southern Black sea coast, where the forestry Strandja spurs are reflecting in the crystal clear sea debris. The town of Kiten is smaller than the nearby Primorsko with its population less than 1,000 people according to latest data. 
The major idiosyncrasy of the relief in Kiten are the two picturesque bays- Karaagach and Atliman and of coarse the beach. The combination of mountain and sea makes it a really unique and attractive resort.
The two local beaches are real paradise for holidaymakers. Fine golden sand, warm sun and calm sea offer great opportunity for a perfect holiday away of the bustling big resources. The northern beach is very attractive for its beautiful sand dunes.


Settlers from Odrinska Trakia established the village. But the historical roots of the settlement dates back to ancient times. The evidence is the old amphora from 6 th century before Christ, found at the South beach. Kiten is the successor of the fortress called Urdoviza situated on the cape itself. The Romans called the settlement Oroudiza. The village existed till the fall under the Turkish domination, and after that it was abandoned. One can still see ruins of the village lying on the cape.
The first name of the town was Urdoviza called after a young beautiful Bulgarian woman Stana Urdoviza, who escaped from the harem of the Sultan. Puzzled by her courage the Sultan promised to free the land she could manage to detour from sunrise till sunset. Stana managed to free the whole Stranja. She and her horse died at the North beach of Kiten that up to this very day bears the name of Atliman – the bay of the horse.
The town existed till the fall under Turkish domination and after that it was abandoned. One can still see ruins of the settlement lying on the cape. The river of Karaagach is very beautiful; it flows into the sea at the southern part of the Urdoviza Bay. The marsh mouth is full of fish. There are five camping sites in the vicinity: Atliman, Les, Koral, Koop and Yug.
The present-day town lies over the ruins of the Urdoviza Fortress situated on the cape itself. The Romans called the settlement 'Oroudiza'. The settlement was abandoned at the time of Bulgaria's fall under Turkish domination and was re-inhabited only after the Liberation. The village was founded in 1931 by fugitives from Greece but it has developed into a tourist destination only after 1970.


Kiten offers different kinds of water sports- yachting, underwater- fishing, water diving, water ski and etc. It also offers a football playground, tennis courts, basketball and volleyball playground, swimming pools, banana and etc.
Kiten offers plenty of private lodgings and small hotels, which have grown substantially in the past few years with the expansion of the tourism industry. Alternatively, one can choose among the camping sites in or close to the village: Atliman, Les, Koral, Koop and Yug. Local people are helpful and friendly, while rents are comparatively low (i.e. generally lower than in the nearby town of Primorsko). 

Places of Interest

A legend tells that the beautiful lace Stana of Urdoviza agreed to marry the Sultan only in exchange for exempting the land, which she managed to ride through from sunrise to sunset, from taxes. The Sultan kept his word and exempted the area around the village, which is still called Hasekiya (meaning 'tax exempted land'). The name of the nearby bay of Atliman (meaning 'the horse's bay') also comes from this legend, as the horse, which Stana rode, was exhausted to death when they arrived to this bay at sunset.
Besides the steep end of the rocky cape, one can feast his/her eyes on the river of Karaagach, which flows into the sea at the southern part of the Urdoviza Bay. The marsh mouth of the river is full of fish. One can also take a few hours' walk by the river up to its spring in the almost virgin nature of the Strandzha mountain.
Kiten offers different kinds of water sports- yachting, underwater- fishing, water diving, water ski and etc. It also offers a football playground, tennis courts, basketball and volleyball playground, swimming pools, banana and etc.
Kiten offers plenty of private lodgings and small hotels, which have grown substantially in the past few years with the expansion of the tourism industry. Alternatively, one can choose among the camping sites in or close to the town: Atliman, Les, Koral, Koop and Yug. Local people are helpful and friendly, while rents are comparatively low (i.e. generally lower than in the nearby town of Primorsko). 


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