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Offer No. 406649
10/27/23, 11:15 PM 5889

Apartments for sale/ Commercial properties for sale, Krasna polyana 2, Nikola Mushanov Blvd, city of Sofia,
prices from € 122 005


Location:   Nikola Mushanov Blvd

VAT:  price VAT included

Construction type: reinforced concrete structure with brickwork

Stage of construction: permission for construction granted

Completion date: 12.2025

Heating: Central gas heating

Joinery: Six-chamber PVC

Plot area: 3041 sq.m

Building area: 13000 sq.m

Buildings: 1

Sections: 2

Apartments: 105

Garages: 37

Parking spaces: 87

Shops: 4

  • It is delivered on plaster and putty

Предлагаме 2-стайни, 3-стайни и 4-стайни апартаменти в сграда, която се намира в югозападната част на София, на границата между три квартала - Лагера, Овча купел и Красна поляна, в новоизграждащ се нов емблематичен жилищен квартал. На 6 минути от център, на 6 минути от Околовръстно шосе, на 2 минути от метростанция, училище, детска градина, градски транспорт, перфектна инфраструктура, канал и не на последно място - с прекрасна гледка към Витоша планина.

Сградата е разположена на 50 м. отстояние от булеварда и предлага на бъдещите си обитатели тишината и спокойствието на малка улица и в същото време бърз достъп до всяка точка на столицата, чрез директен излаз на главна пътна артерия.

Вълнообразните триизмерни панели от стомана Corten, създават ефект на тъкан по фасадата на десет етажната жилищна сграда, независимо от какъв ъгъл я наблюдаваш. Този материал, представлява неръждаема стомана, обработена и обогатена с мед, хром, никел и фосфор, които осигуряват окисляване - оксиден филм, наречен патина, който намалява скоростта на атака на корозивните агенти, присъстващи в околната среда, защитава детайла, практически без да променя механичните му характеристики и като образуваната патина, реално прави стоманата вечна, предпазвайки я от корозия, която същност имитира.

Десететажна сграда, състояща се от двустайни, тристайни и четиристайни апартаменти. Паркоместата са поместени в подземното ниво, както и на терен. На партерния етаж са поместени магазини, детска градина, партерен апартамент и външни паркоместа, останалите девет етажа са жилищни, като на последните два етажа предлагат просторни тераси за собствениците им.

Допълнителни характеристики:

  • Множество зарядни станции за електрически автомобили;
  • Автоматична пожароизвестяваща и пожарогасяща инстилация със собствен резервоар и помпена станция;
  • Феерия от вечнозелени растения и богато ФАСАДНО озеленяване;
  • Детска площадка;
  • Детска градина;
  • Кулинария и Bar and Grill;
  • Офис на ЕКОНТ и EASYPAY;
  • Аптека;
  • Осигурен удобен, самостоятелен достъп за хора с увреждания ЗА ЦЯЛАТА СГРАДА.

Озеленяването е основен акцент в цялостната композиция - озелени фасадите, които ще превърнат в една вертикална, вечно-зелена градина, с контролиран растеж, без нужда от специални градинарски грижи - поддържана чрез автоматични, водоспестяващи поливни системи.

Обявените цени са с вкл. ДДС!

Възможни са различни схеми на плащане!

За повече информация относно проекта, оглед на място или среща с инвеститора, не се колебайте да се свържете с консултанта по продажби

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  • Innovative energy solutions for maximum savings
  • Good infrastructure in the area - paved streets and wide sidewalks
  • Dwellings with functional distribution and optimal use of interior space
  • Modern vision, luxury construction with high quality materials
  • Low percentage of common parts
  • Excellent value for money
  • Access control system
  • Construction company with extensive experience and excellent reputation
  • The building will be managed under the Condominium Act
  • Control over the use and maintenance of the common parts and the observance of the internal order in the building will be decided at the General Assembly of the owners.
  • The investor organizes the convening of a General Meeting of the Owners for election of management and control bodies
  • Plumbing from polypropylene pipes
  • Sewerage from PVC pipes with heat and noise insulation
  • Water meter with remote reading
  • Internet and TV in each living room
  • Video intercom system with video control
  • Terminals for installation of air conditioners
  • Separate underground garages
  • Outlined underground parking lots
  • Approach to the underground garages through a ramp
  • Elevator for the building with access from the underground parking
  • Access control
  • Exterior masonry of Porotherm Winerberger ceramic brick and thermal insulation with 10 cm stone wool
  • 5-chamber PVC windows with triple glazing, low emission Ka glass with sun protection coating - 4 seasons
  • French windows
  • Walls - gypsum plaster, floors - cement screed
  • The floors of the terraces and loggias are finished with granite tiles
  • Plumbing from polypropylene pipes to the plug, sewerage with sound-absorbing PVC pipes
  • Mounted exterior armored doors
  • 40% upon signing the preliminary contract and deducting the reservation deposit
  • 15% at building level 0
  • 10% at the elevation level of the apartment
  • 30% when Act 14 is signed
  • 5% when Act 16 is signed

Detailed information about the offered properties:

Entrance: A
SHOP 2, 228.84 m2, (Built-up area 204.20 m2), € 319 232 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 2 Floor plan
Apartment 2A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 93.86 m2, (Built-up area 83.90 m2), € 122 005 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 4A, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 124.54 m2, (Built-up area 111.25 m2), € 173 733 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 3 Floor plan
Apartment 8A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 94.11 m2, (Built-up area 84.15 m2), € 122 330 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 10A, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 124.82 m2, € 174 110 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 4 Floor plan
Apartment 16A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 102.42 m2, (Built-up area 91.00 m2), € 142 876 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 15A, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 124.82 m2, (Built-up area 111.25 m2), € 174 110 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 5 Floor plan
Apartment 22A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 96.93 m2, (Built-up area 86.80 m2), € 134 737 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 21A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 102.42 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 142 876 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 20A, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 124.82 m2, (Built-up area 111.25 m2), € 174 110 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 8 Floor plan
Apartment 35A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 94.11 m2, (Built-up area 84.15 m2), € 122 330 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 37A, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 124.82 m2, (Built-up area 111.25 m2), € 174 124 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 39A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 96.93 m2, (Built-up area 86.80 m2), € 134 733 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 9 Floor plan
Apartment 44A, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance A, 96.70 m2, (Built-up area 86.60 m2), € 135 394 (€ 1 400/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 40A, 1 BR APARTMENT, Entrance A, 92.91 m2, (Built-up area 82.35 m2), € 145 266 (€ 1 564/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Entrance: Б
Floor: 2 Floor plan
Apartment 7Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 99.51 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 138 318 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 6Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 90.40 m2, (Built-up area 80.50 m2), € 125 606 (€ 1 389/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 5Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 123.14 m2, (Built-up area 109.65 m2), € 171 780 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 4Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 112.51 m2, (Built-up area 100.40 m2), € 156 951 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 2Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 115.79 m2, (Built-up area 103.65 m2), € 161 527 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 3 Floor plan
Apartment 12Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 123.41 m2, (Built-up area 109.65 m2), € 172 157 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 14Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 99.72 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 138 611 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 11Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 112.75 m2, (Built-up area 100.40 m2), € 157 300 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 9Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 116.03 m2, (Built-up area 103.65 m2), € 161 861 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 8Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 96.34 m2, (Built-up area 86.15 m2), € 125 242 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 4 Floor plan
Apartment 18Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 112.75 m2, (Built-up area 100.40 m2), € 157 300 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 16Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 116.03 m2, (Built-up area 103.65 m2), € 161 861 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 15Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 96.34 m2, (Built-up area 86.15 m2), € 125 242 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 5 Floor plan
Apartment 28Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 99.72 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 138 610 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 26Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 123.41 m2, (Built-up area 109.65 m2), € 172 156 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 8 Floor plan
Apartment 43Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 96.34 m2, (Built-up area 86.15 m2), € 125 242 (€ 1 300/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 44Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 116.03 m2, (Built-up area 103.65 m2), € 161 861 (€ 1 395/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 46Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 112.75 m2, (Built-up area 100.40 m2), € 129 674 (€ 1 150/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 49Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 99.72 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 138 610 (€ 1 390/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 9 Floor plan
Apartment 50Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 90.13 m2, (Built-up area 80.60 m2), € 123 478 (€ 1 370/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 56Б, 2 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 99.62 m2, (Built-up area 89.30 m2), € 139 468 (€ 1 400/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Floor: 10 Floor plan
Apartment 57Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 155.91 m2, (Built-up area 139.60 m2), € 241 661 (€ 1 550/sq.m) AVAILABLE
Apartment 58Б, 3 BRS APARTMENT, Entrance Б, 132.21 m2, (Built-up area 118.00 m2), € 204 910 (€ 1 550/sq.m) AVAILABLE
The list of submitted offers does not exhaust the full potential to buy a property in this building. There may be a property that has not yet been announced. Please contact the agent for contacts.

Please use the contact form to get in touch with the agent in case you are interested in additional information, pictures, floor plans and arranging a property viewing.

Here's what's important if you wish to purchase this property

1. A large part of the newly built apartments are being offered without commission for buyers. This is usually indicated in the presentation of the project itself. You should still ask your agent whether you own commission on specific properties.

2. The declared price of the property does not include the commission of MIRELA (whenever such is due) and the state costs of the transaction (local tax, notarial fees and the fee to the Registry Agency, which (tax and fees) are totaling about 3,5 - 4,0% of the total value of the property.
For advice on how to calculate transaction costs, you can contact a lawyer at Mirela Ltd.
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