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The village of Ptichar

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Ptichar

Ptichar is a village in Southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Momchilgrad, Kardzhali Region.

The village is located 17 km south-west of Momchilgrad, 32 km south of Kardzhali and about 272 km south-east of the capital Sofia city

It is situated in an area with hilly and foothill relief at an altitude of 408 meters. The climate is transitional-Mediterranean, winters are relatively mild and summers are long and hot. The River Varbitsa passes near the village.

Here live about 270 people.

The village has a relatively good infrastructure, the main streets are paved, there are electricity and water supply systems. All mobile operators have coverage. Regular railroad transport connects the village with the municipal center and the neighbouring villages. There is a stop from the railroad line connecting Podkova and Kardzhali here.

The village of Prichar comrises a functioning community center "Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov" and a mosque. The nearest secondary school and kindergarten are in Momchilgrad. General hospital you can find again there. 


In the village of Stareyshino /24 km in the south/ you can visit the Dome tomb "Punar Kaya" which means rock well in Turkish. The water that rises from the tomb is collected in two stone basin carved into the rock before it. The tomb is revered among local people as sacred, as there is a belief that the place and the water flowing from the tomb, have curative power.

Тhe natural phonomenon "Petrified forest" is located in the village of Raven /25 km north-east/. It represents fossilized trees and is about 30 million years old. It was probably located on the coast of an ancient Tertiary sea or near an island. With the intense volcanic activity this forest was partially buried and burned by the hot material to form the petrified trees. Globally, many cases of fallen and buried by volcanic material trees are known but what is unique here is that these trees are standing up.

The Thracian Rock sanctuary Yumruk kaya is situated near the village of Obichnik /26 km in the same direction/ upon a rock resembling an animal figure called by the locals "Yumruk kaya" or "The Lion".

28 km north-east of Ptichar, in the village of Drumche are situated two rocky complexes - Thracian megalyths - large cliffs with niches carved into them where crockery and other religious objects were laid.

The Sanctuary of Orpheus near the village of Tatul /about 29 km north-east of Ptichar/, is also interesting for tourists. The complex is one of the most impressive megalithic monuments in the Bulgarian lands. It comprises an ancient pagan temple and a medieval fortress. The central and highest place is occupied by a tomb hewn in the rock, leading to a formal staircase - a symbolic grave of Orpheus.

Source:  Мирела,

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