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Town of Krumovgrad

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Krumovgrad

Krumovgrad is situated in Southern Bulgaria in the region of the Eastern Rhodopes. It is administrative centre of Krumovgrad Municipality, Kardzhali district.

Krumovgrad is situated 310 km away from Sofia city and 48 km away from town of Kardzhali. The closest checkpoint by land is Kapitan Andreevo - 108 km. The closest checkpoint by water is town of Burgas - 251 km. The closest railway junction is town of Momchilgrad - 32 km.
The population is about 5800 people.


The town is situated in area with transitional Mediterranean climate - mild winter and long, hot summer. The relief characterizes with low-mountainous lands and river valleys which allow the variety of climate conditions.


Krumovgrad is with very good infrastructure. Electricity, water and sewerage system are provided. 
Transport - several main roads for the region pass through the town. They connect the municipal towns with the district town and the whole national road net as well.
In close proximity is the international transport corridor No9 - Kardzhali - Makaza - Alexandropolis. It is beneficial for agriculture and business.
Education - the municipality comprises 1 primary school, 11 secondary schools, 1 comprehensive school, 1 professional transport high school, 1 home for raising and educating orphans and 9 kindergartens.
Health services - there is one hospital and one medical centre.


Krumovgrad Municipality is with well-developed light industry specialized in the production of shoes and textiles. There are average enterprises with good material-technical base. There is a small number of micro enterprises producing bread and soft drinks.
The municipality characterizes with tobacco-growing. It is the main means of living for the population in the region.
The half-mountainous relief of the area is suitable for stock-breeding. The most developed are the cattle-breeding and sheep-breeding.

Tourism and culture

Krumovrgrad is with great potential of developing rural and ecological tourism due to its various and attractive tourist resources. The combination of nature and cultural-historical inheritance attracts different types of tourists.
Interesting are the remains of Thracian sanctuaries, grave hills, necropolis and medieval fortresses.
There are 12 monuments of architectural culture with local significance.
Group monument of culture with local significance are houses on Saedinenie Str in the historical zone of the town; the tobacco store-houses and the mosque 'Seytlyar Jamisi' (1885).
For the historical inheritance of Krumovgrad evidence more than 2 000 exhibits arranged in a museum collection with display area of 250 sq. m. Assimilated are sectors of archeology, new history and ethnography. The collection was opened in 1971. It is situated in a building Monument of Culture (1901).

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