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village of Churek

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Sofia Region - Churek

Churek is a village in West Bulgaria. It is situated in Elin Pelin municipality, Sofia region.

It is 21 km northeast of the town of Elin Pelin, 27 km south of the town of Botevgrad and 40 km northeast of the capital Sofia. The villages of Eleshnitsa and Stolnik are 11 km southwest and 14 km in the same direction.

It is located at the foot of Murgash peak (1687 m) and its altitude is 750 m. Through it pass the rivers Metlikovitsa and Vitinska that spring from Stara planina mountain. The climate is temperate and is characterized by considerably hot summer and cold winter.

The permanent population is about 306 people.

The village is well maintained and to it goes the international road E79. There are constructed water system and phone cabling, also there is electricity system. The mobile operators have coverage. Regular bus transportation connects it to the other settlements - the town of Elin Pelin and the neighboring villages.

Here are functioning town hall, community center with library, stores and restaurant. The nearest GP is working in the village of Stolnik and specialized medical assistance you can get at the medical assistance in the town of Elin Pelin. Again in Stolnik there is kindergarten while in the municipality there are schools.

Cultural landmarks that should be visited area the church "St Nikolay Chudotvorets" in the village of Stolnik and near the village of Eleshnitsa there is eponymous monastery in its church "St Bogoroditsa" are preserved valuable frescoes from XVI to XIX c.

The traditions preserved by the local people are shown during the annual festival Shopski praznik organized in the town of Elin Pelin from 1970 and in this time there are traditional costumes, songs, dancing and many jokes.

Bebresh dam is just a few kilometers away and creates excellent conditions for fishing.

In the area there is intense looking for properties not only for the favorable climate but also for the proximity to the capital and the good infrastructure.

Photos: Internet

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