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The village of Samoranovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kyustendil Region - Samoranovo

Samoranovo is a village is Western Bulgaria, part of municipality Dupnitsa, Kyustendil Region.

It is situated 45 km east direction from the tow of Kuystendil, 5 km east direction from the town of Dupnitsa and 9 km southwest direction from the town of Separeva banya.

The population is about 1800 inhabitants.
Samoranovo is one of the biggest villages in the municipality of Dupnitsa.

The terrain is mountainous with average altitude of 754 m.
The climate is temperate with a cool summer and temperatures around 22ºС, the winter is mild and snowy with temperatures around 1ºС.

Samoranovo has well-developed transport and social infrastructure.
The village has water and sewerage installations, electricity, internet and cable TV.

Regular bus transport connects it to the town of Dupnitsa.

There is a secondary school, kindergarten and nursery, community center, post office, church and medical office.
Well-developed shops and cafes.

Main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture especially tobacco and stock-breeding.
Most of the people that live there work in the town of Dupnitsa.


Places of interest and tourism

The closeness to Rila Mountain which is the highest mountain in the Balkans in addition with the wonderful nature, animals and the perspective for mountain and eco tourism.
The quick transport to the town of Kyustendil allows visits of the mineral springs and health resort as well as the archeological excavations from Roman times.
“Hisarlaka” hill is situated 2 km southeast direction of Kyustendil and it is a fortress built at the end of IV and the beginning of V century.
Samokov is a mountain town located 40 km from the village. In closeness to Samokov is Borovets resort "Malyovitsa” and spa center “Belchin bathrooms”. Places of interest are the Historical Museum, the Nunnery, Assumption Church, Church St.Nicholas, the church of the Nativity Church, etc.

Images: Internet

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