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village of Ravna

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Varna Region - Ravna

Ravna is a village in north-eastern Bulgaria, part of Provadiya municipality, Varna region. It is located 15 km to the west from the municipal center Provadiya, 60 km to the west of Varna and its international airport.


general information

The population numbers to approx. 200 people. The relief is flat-hilly - the village is situated among picturesque hills and next to a deciduous forest. The climate is temperate-continental with distinct four seasons - a white winter, a sunny spring, a cool summer and a colourful spring. Altitude - 280 m.

infrastructure and nature

In the village there is a community center with a library, an Orthodox church, a food store and a cafe. Electricity and water-supply are available in the village. The roads are in a good condition. Provadiyska river is passing by the village less than a kilometer away. Only 4 km away is the village of Krivnya where there are food shops, a kindergarten, a community center with a library and a doctor's office.
Ravna is a quiet and peaceful village, an attractive destination to people seeking privacy and tranquillity, away from the noise and havoc of the big city. The nature is ecologically clean, picturesque and strikes with the great variety of colours and forms - flat fields, steep hills and rock formations.
The locals are engaged into agriculture. In the village there are excellent conditions for growing wheat, barley, maize, sunflower and grapes - both wine and desert kinds. Developed in the area are also stock-breeding and bee-keeping. During the past few years the people of the village started to grow and gather medicinal herbs - yarrow, wild mint, thyme, St. John's wort etc.
The proximity of Ravna to Varna-Sofia highway, the city of Varna and the municipal center of Provadiya, the beautiful and ecologically clean nature and the unique natural and cultural landmarks in the area are excellent predispositions for the development of rural, eco and cultural tourism.


  • "The Pierced Stone" or as the locals call this rock formation - the Doll - is considered a cult object, which used to be a primitive ancient observatory. In a vertical trapezoid-shaped rock a special opening is hewn by a human hand. It is positioned in such a manner that the sun stays in the opening at equinox. A similar tradition and affinity  to construct such stone sanctuaries have already been seen in the ancient Thracian culture. Therefore, it is considered that prior to the settlement of the Proto-Bulgarians in these lands the "Pierced Stone" was "used" by the Thracians to serve their cult to the Sun. Since this natural phenomenon is unique for its form and importance it is included in the Bulgaria's protected areas list.
  • Rock monasteries were revealed in the areas Chekaritza and Chesnova Polyana located few kilometers away from the village. Most interesting of them are the so called Chushtkara monastery - where some grafitti have been revealed, and the St. George monastery where an inscription in Greek has been preserved.
  • Located in the village itself is a medieval old-Bulgarian monastery named after Our Lady. It houses a unique collection of 138 utensils -  the richest collection in the country.
  • Near Ravna is located the Ereka spring and the salty baths of Provadiya, which have no equivalent in the country. The only baths with similar effect are the ones in Karlovi Vari - Czech Republic.

Source: internet
Pictures: internet

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