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village of Buzovgrad

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Stara Zagora Region - Buzovgrad

Buzovgrad is a village in southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Kazanlak, Stara Zagora Region.

The village is about 5 kilometers from the town of Kazanlak, about 30 km from Stara Zagora, 15 km east of Pavel Banya and about 170 km from Sofia. The village is situated in the outskirts of forest near the left bank of the river Tundzha, and only 9 km away Koprinka dam.

The population is about 2240 people.

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is about -1 º C and in July around 22 º C. Summers are hot and winters - moderately cold. Spring comes to mid-March, a warm and sunny autumn to mid-November.

Buzovgrad has a well developed infrastructure, the village has electricity and water supply, the streets are paved. The village has a town hall, primary school, kindergarten, two GPs, community center, library, grocery stores and pubs.

Tourist attractions

The Megalith near Buzovgrad is one of the most interesting monuments in the Valley of the Kings. Located south of the village in central forest, built around 1800-1600 BC by the ancient Thracians for astronomical observations and maintaining a calendar.

The Buzovgrad above the village is built so that the sun falls within the "window" in sunset. According religion and beliefs of the Thracians sunrise symbolizes birth and creation, death and sunsets and the world of the dead. Thus Megalith can be regarded as "Gateway to the afterlife." He was probably used in religious ceremonies and funerals of Thracian aristocrats and priests.

Traditionally, the day of the vernal equinox, June 21, many people gather in front of the solar door megalith. From ancient times this place is venerated by the Thracians as the gateway to the afterlife. Because dozens of legends associated with it, every year the spring and autumn equinoxes are collected hundreds of fans of natural phenomena and the cult of the Hereafter.

The Megalith can be reached by Eco pedestrian path from the village takes about 45 minutes.

In the vicinity of the megalith located and other stone monuments - "Father's stone" or "Man's Stone" and Fortress Buzovgrad.
Kazanlak Tomb - the best preserved Thracian tomb in Bulgaria.

Banks of the river Tundzha and Koprinka dam are wonderful places for recreation, picnics and nature walks. Crystal clear waters are rich in fish and woods - a game.

Photos: Internet

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