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town of Strazhitsa

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Veliko Tarnovo Region - Strazhitsa

Strazhitsa is a town in northern Bulgaria. It is located in Veliko Tarnovo region, near the town of Antonovo.

The town is the administrative center of municipality Strazhitsa. The area of the municipality is 508 sq. km with a population of about 14 719 people in 22 towns and villages. Strazhitsa is 45 kilometers away of Veliko Tarnovo.

The population of the town is about 5 446 people.

Terrain is diversified. It occupies parts of the Balkan and Danubian hilly plain with an altitude of 40 to 420 m.

The climate is temperate-continental, characterized generally by hot summers with droughts occurring earlier and cool spring. Winter period is with minimal snowfalls and short snow coverage. Typical are the autumn and spring frosts. The climatic conditions are suitable for growing most common crops in Bulgaria.

Strazhitsa Municipality has a relatively high level of construction of technical infrastructure. All villages have water and electricity, road network density is significantly higher than the national average. In the municipality pass a very important communications with regional and national importance.

14 community centers preserve and develop the cultural traditions of the region, and the churches in Sushica, Kesarevo, Strazhitsa and Asenovo are declared as monuments of culture.

The municipality has a well developed educational network - 7 schools and one professional high school and 12 kindergartens. In the town of Strajitsa there are 2 schools and 2 kindergartens.

The city has one building for specialized care - "Medical Center I - Strazhitsa" with six cabinet: cardiology, neurology, gynecology, surgery, radiology, pulmonology and laboratory. There is also allocated six dental practices.

Daily bus lines and lines of railway station connect the city with other places in the community and across the country.


Favorable natural climatic conditions attract and retain people in these lands since ancient times. In many places there are remains of prehistoric, Thracian, Roman and early Byzantine time settlements. Most of the medieval villages were destroyed or abandoned during the Ottoman invasion at the end of the 14th century. Some of the archaeological materials found in excavations or occasionally found are presented in the exhibition hall in the town of Strazhitsa. In the town can also be seen the art gallery with rich collection and seven exhibition halls, a museum exhibition, the the church "Uspenie Bogorodichno", chapel "St. Georgi Pobedonosets".

The natural resources of the municipality are favorable for the development of tourism - fishing, hiking, hunting, environmental and others. Villages from the semi mountainious region are particularly suitable for rural tourism.


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