The village of Vasil Levski (2 000 inhabitants) is spread on both sides of the sub-Balkan highway, almost in the middle, between the towns of Karlovo (8 km to the southeast) and Kalofer. The Sofia - Bourgas railroad line extends parallel with the road.
One of the most famous residents of the village of Vasil Levski is Guncho Kolev - a self-educated artist, whose passion and hobby is the so-called natural wood plastic art, inspired by the beauty of National Park "Central Balkan". His original masterpieces have been taken directly from nature, masterly processed with sense and fantasy and turned into artwork of great artistic value. The "workshop" of Guncho Kolev is located in immediate proximity to his house and represents a real treasury, which preserves many exponents - enough to fill in an art gallery. Maria - he daughter of the artist is an exceptionally talented young singer who has graduated from a Music school for traditional folk songs and musical instruments in the town of Kotel and the Music and dance art Academy in the city of Plovdiv. She is a former soloist of the National folklore Ensemble "Philip Koutev".
As most of the villages in the Karlovo area the village of Vasil Levski has managed to preserve its traditions. The visitors of the village should pay special attention to the Mummers' games and dances on Shrovetide, which are held annually, in the course of 7 days and also the carnival on "Starchov den" day. You can buy some interesting wooden mummers' masks from the shop over there.
A unique Thracian town center from the V century BC - the only one of its kind in Bulgaria was uncovered in the surroundings of the village. The site is still a subject of archaeological excavations.
The village is a convenient starting point for excursions in the Kalofer Mountain, Strajata, Sredna Gora, the "Domlyan" dam and the "Byala Reka" Inn where visitors can spend the night.
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picture /Nenko Lazarov/