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The village of Samovila

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Kardzhali Region - Samovila

Samovila is a village in Southern Bulgaria. It is located in the municipality of Krumovgrad, Kardzhali Region.

The village is located 22 km south-west of Krumovgrad, 40 km south of Kardzhali and about 281 km of the capital Sofia city. The village of Tokachka is located 11 km in the south-east.

It is situated in the Eastern Rhodopes, in an area with semi-mountainous and hilly relief at an altitude of 410 meters. The climate is transitional-Mediterranean, winters are relatively mild and summers are long and hot.

Here live about 70 people.

Samovila is situated 20 km from the national border with Greece, near the Makaza Pass, through which an international road part of transport corridor № 9 Kardzhali - Makaza – Alexandroupolis passes. This major thoroughfare has contributed a lot to the economic development of the region.

The village has a relatively good infrastructure, there is electricity systen and a water supply system is being built. The mibile operators have coverage. Bus transport connects the village with the municipal center.

The nearest functioning community center and elementary school are in the village of Tokachka. Medical care can be obtained again there, by one GP. Secondary school and kindergarten you can find in the village of Chorbadzhiysko, Kirkovo Municipality /15 km in the south-west/, as well as in the municipal town, where you can also find the nearest multiprofile hospital.




Only 3 km in the east, in the area of the village of Ribino /3 km in the east/ is situated the area of "Ribino" declared protected in order to preserve populations of endangered species of animals and plants, and preservation of karst landscape including rocks , springs and caves.

At 16 km in the north-west, in the village of Stareyshino, can be visited the Dome tomb "Punar Kaya" which means rock well in Turkish. The water that rises from the tomb is collected in two stone basin carved into the rock before it. The tomb is revered among local people as sacred, as there is a belief that the place and the water flowing from the tomb, have curative power.

At about 26 km in the north-east, near the village of Rogach, can be visited a very interesting archaeological site -Rock Tomb - sanctuary, known among locals as Guyu or Kuyu. The sanctuary is located on the right bank of the River Krumovitsa. The site is revered as sacred as two small holes resembling human steps were found on the rocks. These tracks are called "The steps of Ali" (Muslim saint).

In the village of Benkovski, about 30 km in the west, you can see a few sites:

  • the renovated mosque in the center of the village where Muslims from all over the region gather to pray;
  • the venerable oak, over 200 years old, declared protected;
  • a rocky area, where the elements have for centuries carved the huge stones in a variety of bizarre rock forms of animals and plants, the most interesting of which are "The Crocodile", "The Mushroom", "Lion's Head", etc.

The Sanctuary of Orpheus near the village of Tatul (about 37 km of Samovila), is also interesting for tourists. The complex is one of the most impressive megalithic monuments in the Bulgarian lands. It comprises an ancient pagan temple and a medieval fortress. The central and highest place is occupied by a tomb hewn in the rock, leading to aformal staircase - a symbolic grave of Orpheus.

Source:, http://www.kirkovo.bg

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