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village of Rayanovtsi

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Vidin Region - Rayanovci

Rayanovtsi is a village in Northwestern Bulgaria. It is situated in Belogradchik municipality, Vidin District.

There is another village with the same name in Bulgaria - in Dragoman municipality, Sofia region.

It is situated on the bank of Archar river, about 20 km northwest of Belogradchik town, 56 km southwest of Vidin city and approximately 180 km northwest of Sofia city.

The terrain is hilly and the average altitude is 340 meters. The climate is temperate continental with relatively cold winters and hot summers.

The village has electricity and water. There are mobile coverage and bus transportation to the district center and the surrounding villages.

Rayanovtsi has about 100 inhabitants, a town hall, a church and a shop. The nearest primary school is located in Rabisha village /10 km east/ and the closest kindergarten and high school are in Belogradchik.

The general practitioner and the dentist of Rabisha take care of the population's health. The municipality center offers specialized medical care.

The village celebrates its festival on the 24th of May.


Landmarks and tourism

Rayanovtsi is a small village at the foot of Stara Planina mountain with great opportunities for rural tourism. It is known for its many springs with healing water. Nearby there is a lake suitable for fishing and 10 km northeast is Rabisha lake - the largest inland lake in the country, which is also suitable for fishing and water sports.

In the area of ​​village Kireevo you can visit:

Rakovitsa monastery "Holy Trinity" which is located 15 km northwest. It was founded in X-XI century and after the fall of Bulgaria under Ottoman rule it declined. In the XVII century it was restored by St. Pimen of Sofia, but at the end of XVIII century, was burned down. Currently he is restored and constantly operating.

"Magura" cave is located about 7 km northwest, along the road to Rabisha village. It is one of the most beautiful caves the country, a part of the 100 national tourist sites.

Belogradchik Rocks - probably the most famous rock formations in Bulgaria, which are also a part of the 100 national tourist sites. They are located about 20 km southeast.

Sources:,, Mirela, Internet.

Photos: Internet.

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