Kamen is a village in Southeastern Bulgaria. It is located in Sliven Municipality, Sliven District. Situated 15 km away from the town of Sliven, the administrative center of Sliven Municipality and Sliven District.
Approximately 1280 people.
Climate - the territory falls within the Sub - Balkan region fields of continental climatic region. The terrain is hilly. Water - a major water resource is the river Tunja. In the territory of Sliven there are mineral springs. Of greatest importance are Sliven Mineral Baths, good base infrastructure and superstructure - mineral baths, spa rehabilitation clinic, holiday homes and hotels, swimming pool.
Sliven Mineral Baths are a good resource for development of spa tourism
Fertile soil and mild climate offer broad opportunities for agriculture in the region.
Priority is the development of viticulture, which favor soil - climatic conditions and availability of large enterprises for wine, and several small wineries. Livestock production is another major sub sector of agriculture.
The proximity of large regional city gives additional opportunities for job seekers inhabitants of the village of Kamen.
The territory of the city operate a primary school, kindergarten and community center.