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village of Grivitsa

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pleven Region - Grivica

Grivitsa is a village in North Bulgaria. It is located in Pleven municipality, Pleven region

In the town of Shumen there is a quarter caring the same name. 

It is 9 km east of the town of Pleven and 173 km northeast of the capital Sofia

It is situated in hilly area and its altitude is 208 m. The climate is temperate and is characterized with hot and dry summer while the winter is cold. During June and February fall lots of precipitation. Hails are common phenomenon to the area.

The village is railway station on the line that connects Sofia with Varna and Ruse. And the village itself is located on the main road that connects the town of Pleven with the town of Ruse, Nikopol and Pordim

The permanent population is about 1683 people. 

Here are functioning town hall, community center, pharmacy, stores and restaurants, also motel and guest house. For the health of the local people take care two GPs and one dentist. Hospital you can find in the town of Pleven, where are situated the nearest schools and kindergartens. The village has football club.

The village of Grivitsa is suitable for wine and fishing tourism for there is a lake in proximity. 

On the territory of the village are constructed park and museum in memory of the fallen during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. A must see is the Romanian mausoleum made in honor of the fallen Romanian soldiers. In it there is ossuary with marble sarcophagi, iconostasis, a bronze medallion, original Romanian uniforms, parts of flags and different objects connected to the war. 

In the town of Pleven you can visit three of the 100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria - Pleven Epopee 1877, the Regional History museum and the mausoleum-chapel "St George Pobedonosets". Other interesting places in proximity are Kaylaka park and the Wine Museum. 

Good place for an excursion is the eco trail in the canyon of Chernelka river (21 km). 

Photos: Internet

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