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The village of Tsrancha

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pazardzhik Region - Crancha

Tsarncha is a village in southern Bulgaria, part of Pazardzhik Municipality, Pazardzhik Region.

There is one more inhabited place with the same name, it is situated in Dospat Municipality, Smolyan Region.

It is situated about 15 km southwestern direction of Pazardzhik, about 20 km northwestern direction of the town of Peshtera and 35 km northern direction of the town of Batak.

The population is about 1200 inhabitants.

The terrain is hilly plain with average altitude of 320 m.
The climate is transcontinental. The winters there are mild and have temperatures about 0°С and in the summers are warm with temperatures about 25°С.

The village has electricity, water main and partly sewerage installation.
There is internet and cable TV.

There is regular bus transport to Pazardzhik.

In the center of the village there is a school, kindergarten, post office and community center. Also there are shops and cafes.
The “Sv. Georgi” chapel and the church were built in the Ottomans slavery.

A general practitioner serves the needs of the inhabitants.


Places of interest and tourism

In the area of the village has more than 20 Thracian mounds rich in ancient ruins of churches, villages, castles and others.

In closeness the Tsranchanska River runs and is appropriate for fishing, rest and walking in beautiful nature.

About 4 km away is situated the Batkunski monastery of “Sv. Peter and Pavel”, who was declared a cultural monument. He is the only monastery in the area of Pazardzhik. Over the years, the monastery was destroyed several times; the last renovation was in 1854. Nearby are the ruins of ancient city Batkunion.

Also close is situated the town of Batak where you can go fishing, hunting and do all kind of tourism as well as winter and water sports.

Around 47 km away is the year-round mountain resort Tsigov chark set on the territory of the Western Rodopi Mountain - south-east from the picturesque Batak Dam. Batak Dam waters offer unforgettable moments for fishing and water sports. Many chalets and hotels are at your service in the area if you want to relax in the beauty and fresh air of Rodopi Mountain.

The town of Velingrad is around 50 km away with more than 200 000 visitors who come for the numerous mineral water springs, comfortable and modern baths, the soft climate and the wonderful nature of the town. The most precious natural treasure of the town of velingrad is the mineral water springs. The temperature of the springs varies from 28ºС up to 86 ºС.




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