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Bdintzi village

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Dobrich Region - Bdinci

The village of Bdintzi is situated in North-eastern Bulgaria and is a part of Dobrich region. It is located 30 km to the west from the town of Dobrich and 60 km away from the city of Varna and the Black Sea coast.

general information

The village is set among a woodland and is surrounded by rolling green hills. Its former name used to be Gukche Dyulyu and it is known to be one of the oldest settlements in Dobrudja region. The population numbers to 110 people. The latitude is 260 m.


These lands have been inhabited since 8th-9th century AD. A Proto-Bulgarian necropolis has been revealed some 200 m to the south from the village. 307 graves have been found. A golden coin hewn during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin VII /945-959/ was found on site and was considered a reliable evidence that the necropolis dated back to the early middle age period. The artefacts found near Bdintzi are on display in the community center of the nearby Vladimirovo village.
The village has received its modern name back in 1934. It was named after the Bdin Infantry Regiment's deeds of valour during the WWI. On the border between the villages of Bdintzi and Vratarite rises a beautiful monument dedicated to the soldiers who lost their lives in the First Balkan, the Second Balkan wars and WWI. It took two years to build the memorial with private donations from the locals. An interesting fact is that both villages - Bdintzi and Vratarite- were the only settlements  in Southern Dobrudja to avoid the Romanian occupation. The border between Bulgaria and Romania used to pass 1.5 km  to the north from the village of Bdintzi. The elderly remember that every Bulgarian soldier to pass by the monument was obliged to salute.


In Bdintzi there is a community center in which the mayor's office is housed, 2 food shops, a cafe, an Orthodox church, a gallery and a studio. Available options for cable TV and internet access. The village is peaceful and very green. Regular public transportation is available to the town of Dobrich and the nearby villages. Bdintzi offers excellent conditions for development of rural tourism. Foreigners have already purchased properties in the village, being attracted by the serenity and the specific atmosphere in the village due to the great number of authentic old houses, some of which are more than 150 years old.


- A water fountain was built in the center of the village in 1810. The water is derived from a spring named Hodjov Kladenetz. The village has 8 water-sources of its own;

- Sveta Paraskeva church was built in the beginning of the XX-th century. It is much larger than most of the churches in the area, as Bdintzi used to be one of the largest villages in the region.


Pictures: Мирела

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