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village of Stezherovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Pleven Region - Stezherovo

Stezherovo is a village in North Bulgaria. It is situated in Levski municipality, Pleven region.

It is 26 km north of the town of Levski, 48 km northeast of the town of Pleven, 24 km southeast of the town of Belene and 25 km southwest of the town of Svishtov. The neighboring village of Bozhurluk is 5 km north, the village of Bulgarene is 10 km southwest. The capital Sofia is 214 km in the same direction.

It is located in the Danubian Plain and in proximity flows Osam river, its altitude is about 116 m. It is separated into three neighborhoods - Pripeka, Cherkovna and Kodzhabashka. The climate in the area is temperate and is characterized with hot summer and considerably cold winter.

The permanent population of the village is about 514 people.

Bus transportation connects it to the other settlements - it is on the main road that connects Svishtov with the town of Pleven. Here are constructed water and electricity systems as well as phone central. All mobile operators have coverage. The central streets are asphalted and with lighting.

Here are functioning town hall, store and restaurant. One GP takes care for the people in the village. Hospital as well as schools and kindergartens you can find in the municipality.

Tourism and landmarks

The church "St Dimitar" was constructed in 1869.

The name of the village is from the word stezher - one of the types of oak tree.

In its area were found a couple of mounds, which have remained since Roman times and served for watch towers and road signs.

Landmarks near Svishtov are Tekirdere site, where the Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878 started, a huge memorial monument “The Monuments” was found. The Kaleto site, where the remains of the ancient town Nove and the medieval Staklen, together with the site “Pisani kamani” (drawing stones) are situated nearby the town. 10 km away from Svishtov is the third largest Bulgarian island in the Danube River – Vardim, which is a natural reserve.

Near the town of Belene is natural park Persina. It encompasses the 19 Belenski islands. It is unique and significant ecologically for here are located three biosphere reserves: 

  • "Persinski marshes" - wet zone with international significance that is inhabited by many colonies of marsh birds. It is breeding sight of the mute swan and unique gathering place in the autumn for the black stork. 
  • "Milka" and "Kitka" encompass the eponymous islands of the archipelago and include preserved floodplain forests from white willow and poplar. Here are nesting pairs of sea eagles very rare species included in the "Red Book of Bulgaria" and in the book "Endangered birds in Europe". 
  • protected area "Kaikusha" - remains of wet zone in the Svishtovsko-Belenskara low land.


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