Municipal administration

Addresses and telephone numbers of Municipals and regional administrative services in cities in Bulgaria.

Obshtina Breznik - oblast Pernik

Address: oblast Pernik, gr. Breznik, ul. “Elena Georgieva” № 16, Phone: +359 7751 2434, URL:

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Obshtina Kovachevci - oblast Pernik

Address: oblast Pernik, s. Kovachevci, Phone: 07727/22-25, Faks: 07727/23-31, E-mail : [email protected], URL:

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Obshtina Radomir - oblast Pernik

Address: oblast Pernik, gr. Radomir, pl. "Svoboda" № 20, Phone: +359 777 82 490; +359 777 82 502, E-mail: [email protected], URL:

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Obshtina Tran - oblast Pernik

Address: oblast Pernik, 2460 gr. Tran, pl. „Vl. Trichkov” №1, Phone: +359 7731 2191; +359 7731 212, Faks: 07731/ 22 65, 22 61, URL:

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Obshtina Zemen - oblast Pernik

Address: oblast Pernik, gr. Zemen, 2440, ul. "Hristo Botev" 3, Phone: +359 7741 2290; +359 7741 2377

See on the map