Krumovo gradishte is a village in Southeast Bulgaria. It is located in Karnobat municipality, Burgas region.
It is 8 km southwest of the town of Karnobat, 57 km northwest of the town of Burgas, 370 km east of the town of Sofia and 37 km southeast of the town of Sungurlare while the village of Tserkovski is 5 km east.
Regular bus transportation connect Krumovo gradishte with the municipality. Thanks to the proximity of Trakiya highway that passes only 4 km from the village, the access is very convenient by car.
The village is situated on altitude of 255 m.
The climate is temperate. The winter is mild and dry while the summer is hot. There are lots of precipitation in the fall and the spring.
The permanent population is about 560 people included a couple of English families.
Krumovo gradishte is well maintained with electricity and water systems with coverage of all mobile operators. In the village there are town hall, church, community center and