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town of Aksakovo

See it on the map Bulgarian properties in Varna Region - Aksakovo

Geographic features

Aksakovo municipality is located in northeastern Bulgaria on a territory of 472 Located in the eastern part of the Danube plain and bears the scars of its hill - plateau relief. The main part of the territory is occupied by Dobrudzha  and Frangenskoto plateaus, with an altitude over 200 m. The climate is temperate continental. There is  4 kilometers outlet on sea in the village of Kranevo.

The Municipality Aksakovo includes 23 settlements with municipality center town of Aksakovo. Its population numbers 19 983 people, of whom 57.9 percent are of working age, 20.2 percent are in under working  age and 21.9% in over working age. Municipality Aksakovo borders seven municipalities in the district of Varna - Beloslav, Devnya, Suvorovo, Valchi Dol, Dobrich, Balchik and Varna. Its unique position helps economic, social and environmental development of the municipality. Varna International Airport is located in the territory of the municipality Aksakovo. It is only 1.5 kilometers southeast of the nearest residential areas of town Aksakovo. In summer there are charter flights to all major airports in Europe and Asia.

In the municipality passes Hemus higway connecting Varna with the capital Sofia. Nearby are the ports of Varna-West - 12 kilometers and Varna East - 8 kilometers. Through its well developed transport infrastructure Aksakovo Municipality has permanent transport connection with the largest resort complexes in the Northern Black Sea coast - Golden Sands, Albena, Balchik and Kranevo.

Distance from large Settlements

Aksakovo municipality is located near Varna, a key point in the trans-  European networks and systems that help domestic and international transport and communication links of the municipality.

Aksakovo - Varna/ international airport and seaport/ -10 km
Aksakovo - Sofia/stolitsa, international litishte / - 440 km
Aksakovo - Ruse / biggest Bulgarian river port, road connection with Romania on the Danube bridge - 190 km
Aksakovo - Durankulak / border cross with Romania/ - 97 km
Aksakovo - Silistra / border cross with  Romania/ - 129 km
Aksakovo - Burgas / largest seaport/ - 142 km
Aksakovo - Malko Tarnovo / border cross with Turkey/ - 238 km
Aksakovo - Captain Andreevo / border cross with Greece and Turkey - 345 km


Economics and Business

The municipality has traditionally developed agriculture - business area. Most of the arable land represents a field, which amounted to 228 thousand decares. Here are grown wheat, barley, sunflower and maize. The climate is particularly favorable for the development of agriculture, especially for growing grapes, apricots, tomatoes, cucumbers and more. In the region of Aksakovo is the largest greenhouse complex in the area that offers year-round employment to a large proportion of the population.
The territory of Aksakovo have included small and medium enterprises in the purchase and processing of agricultural products, production of aluminum and PVC joinery, concrete solutions, production of furniture, detergents and more. The municipality has a vacant land suitable for investment near the airport and resort complex  Kranevo.
The territory of the municipality perform the following major companies: Airport Complex - Varna, Bulgarian-Italian company Bulit-glass for the production of curved glass and glass furniture,c In 2004 launched the biggest in  Bulgaria our factory for packaging film of Famteks - T Ltd in  Aksakovo town.

Landmarks and monuments

The territory of the municipality has  attractive places for tourism and recreation:

- The Batova reserve, a forest, of which the majority falls within the municipality. The area has several recreational cabins. Annually in the region to organize fairs and outplay singing contest which collect people from throughout the region.
- Natural Park Pobiti kamani - a protected area, by stone columns up to 10 meters high, hollow or solid cylinders, truncated cone, different in shape and size of rock blocks and numerous stone pieces scattered throughout the complex.
- Natural Park Golden Sands, which is located in the eastern part of the municipality and occupies an area of 130 ha. One third of the park is located on the territory of the municipality Aksakovo.
- villages Dolishte, Oreshak, General Kantardjievo  and Kumanovo where is developing over the past few years, rural and hunting tourism. The villages are located near the resort of Albena, Golden Sands, Balchik and Kranevo.
- Kranevo village csituated on the beach has three types of reconstructed and modern bungalows. In this area the municipality Aksakovo municipality has 4 km outlet on sea. The Aksakovo municipality exists from  the beginning of the IXX century.


Text: Internet
Pictures: Internet

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