Amendments in the GENERAL CONDITIONS for implement of intermediary services in real estate transactions of Mirela-LTD

On the grounds of par.70 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS for implement of intermediary services in real estate transactions of Mirela- LTD the following amendments are made:

1. Section 48 is changed as follows:

48. If the CLIENT concludes transaction with the Provided client or Provided property and delays the payment of the remuneration from the Assignation contract for more than 30 days from the date of payment, or refuses to pay the agreed remuneration, or pays only a part of the remuneration, MIRELA has the right to require the payment of the whole agreed remuneration together with penalty with the size of 30% from the principal.

Old redaction of the text with the last changes from 10.01.2014 is:

par. 48. If the CLIENT concludes transaction with the Provided client or Provided property in accordance with the concluded Assignation order for mediation without the knowledge of MIRELA or delays the payment of the remuneration from the contract for order more than 30 days from the date of payment, or refuses to pay the agreed remuneration, or pays only a part of the remuneration, MIRELA has the right to require the payment of the agreed remuneration together with penalty with the size of 30% from the principal.

2. In par. 68 at the end of the sentance is added the phrase "оr penalty" and new sentance: "In such cases MIRELA may invoke a penalty clause in par. 48 of these GENERAL CONDITIONS, regardless of the termination of the Assignation order", as the text reads as follows:

68. (new from 11.02.2013) In each event, when in the Assignation orders for mediation services and/or in the annexes to them, and or in the agreements and the notifications to this orders, is stipulated drawing of rights and implementation or redemption of liabilities, after the termination of the legal ties between the parties under the concluded assignation order, in case of non-fulfillment the parties refer to the fact that their legal ties has been terminated, and on that basis to challenge the dueness, the size and the maturity of the agreed remuneration and penalty. In such cases MIRELA may invoke a penalty clause in par. 48 of these GENERAL CONDITIONS, regardless of the termination of the Assignation order .

Old redaction from 11.02.2013

68. (new from 11.02.2013) In each event, when in the Assignation orders for mediation services and/or in the annexes to them, and or in the agreements and the notifications to this orders, is stipulated drawing of rights and implementation or redemption of liabilities, after the termination of the legal ties between the parties under the concluded assignation order, in case of non-fulfillment the parties refer to the fact that their legal ties has been terminated, and on that basis to challenge the dueness, the size and the maturity of the agreed remuneration. 

2. These amendments come into force on 08.09.2014.

The general conditions of MIRELA-LTD for implement of intermediary services in real estate transaction

The General conditions were approved by the Managing Director of MIRELA-LTD on 20.02.2012, displayed in MIRELA’s offices and published in the official internet page of MIRELA on address