Prefabricated houses!

If you have decided to buy land in Bulgaria and build a holiday home, more and more Bulgarian companies offer splendid prefabricated houses, so if you start now you will have a wonderful summer villa.
There are many varieties of the houses so we will point out the most interesting and convenient houses.
Traditional house.
The prior advantages of the prefabricated houses is that the house is made of entirely ecological products - wood, stone, stucco and glass. Scientists from different ends of the world emphasize that the healthy life closer to the nature will contribute to the healthy condition of man.
These are the models that are being offered by some Bulgarian companies:
Here some very interesting conception about prefabricated houses:
It is not a secret that the form of a building, the materials used, and its orientation towards the Sun and the planets has an exceptionally strong influence on the mental and physical health of its inhabitants. Always in a hurry and out of breath, subjected to devastating economic pressure, tension and constant stress, we forget where we come from and where we are going to, forget that man is an integral part of the Cosmos, of the Universe, that every man is a small universe himself. It is not by chance that the motto of this new type of buildings is COSMOS, MAN, NATURE. Equally fit and convenient for family houses, villa settlements, office or shopping projects, these substantially new buildings give us the sense of a direct contact with nature, of harmony and serenity which are so much needed by every man in the dynamic times we live in.