Junior Achievement Bulgaria wins the European Enterprise Awards 2010 contest


Junior Achievement Bulgaria won the first prize in the European Enterprise Awards 2010 contest held in our country for the second time and organised by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEET). The contest organisers announced that four of the five nominated projects in this year's race were in the field of education.

The project 'Student Company' won in the category 'Promoting Entrepreneurial Mindsets' and is sponsored by Nestle Bulgaria.

The programme is practically targeted and allows young people to major in business entrepreneurship. It provides teaching materials and accounting documents, registration in the office of Junior Achievement Bulgaria, as well as work to students on developing their own businesses throughout the year.

The Non-profit Association for Entrepreneurial Civil Society-Dobrich ranked second with the project 'Private Primary School Galileo Galilei' in the category 'Investment in Skills Development'.

The European Entreprise Awards contest is conducted by all EU member-states, as well as by Norway, Iceland, Turkey, Croatia and Serbia. The prize has no financial dimensions. Besides prestige, the winners are granted the right to participate in the final conference on awards. The finals next year will be held on May 24 and May 25 in Budapest, Hungary.


Text and photo: klassa.bg

To see the presentation of the company, please follow the link:

Presentation of Mirela Real Estate
