Bulgarian Young Families to Pay Less Tax for Homes on Credit

Housing loans

altThere are only two months left in which the Bulgarian state will continue paying a "wedding gift" to its citizens. All young families that buy a home on a loan by December will pay less tax. This will no longer be valid in 2010 as Bulgaria's cabinet accepted finance minister Simeon Djankov's proposed tax legislation changes providing that young families paying off mortgages will no longer pay tax on the interest.

 This measure may save between 100-300 euros for a family budget, depending on the size of the loan. The exemption extends to families up to the age of 35, regardless of when they tied the knot. All they have to do is insert the data regarding the interests they paid on their tax return, which must be filed in the beginning of next year.

Text source: standartnews.com
Photo: actualno.com

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