Bulgaria Leads in Property Hotspots Ranking

The real estate market at present
Experts have long predicted Bulgaria will maintain its position as attractive place for real estate seekers, Assetz Property News Service reported. According to an Assetz ranking, Bulgaria is on top of the property hotpots chart.
Bulgarian property guarantees investment return of 116 per cent for property purchasers, Assetz reported.
Because of this significant percentage Bulgaria stays on top of other attractive property destinations like Cyprus. According to Assetz, the country now resembles Spain in the 1980s in terms of capital gains. 
At the same time, property in Bulgaria remains affordable with prices significantly lower than in other European countries. The low prices are the major factor attracting foreign investors to the country, the report reads.
Though its development pace will slow down, market growth in Bulgaria for 2006 will increase steadily, according to Assetz predictions. Winter resorts Bansko and Borovets will continue attracting holiday property seekers.
Because of the latest positive developments countries like Bulgaria and Cyprus are taking the place of widely known and already established real estate hotspots in Europe, Assetz concludes. 