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Offer No. 319985
5/14/19, 11:48 AM 5862

Apartments for sale, Nessebar, Valencia Gardens complex, Burgas Region,
prices from € 1 177 /sq.m


Location:   Valencia Gardens complex

Construction type: brick

Stage of construction: Rough construction

Completion date: 01.2019

Heating: air conditioner

Joinery: PVC

Продаваме апартаменти завършено строителство (с Акт 14) на първа линия море в гр. Несебър!

Valencia Garden е елегантен комплекс от затоврен тип, изграден в съвременен архитектурен стил. Разпположен е на първа линия до плажа, в новата част на гр. Несебър и в непосредствена близост до древния град.
Сред удобствата, с които разполага, са басейн, джакузи, СПА център, медицински център, фитнес, лоби бар, ресторант, магазин, детска площадка, подземен паркинг.

Можем да Ви предложим СТУДИА, 1-СТАЙНИ и 2-СТАЙНИ апартаменти, които ще се предават завършени до ключ.

БЕЗ комисиона за купувача!

За да получите актуални цени на свободните апартаменти, както и друга подробна информация относно проекта, моля използвайте формата за контакт с агента.

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Please use the contact form to get in touch with the agent in case you are interested in additional information, pictures, floor plans and arranging a property viewing.

Here's what's important if you wish to purchase this property

1. A large part of the newly built apartments are being offered without commission for buyers. This is usually indicated in the presentation of the project itself. You should still ask your agent whether you own commission on specific properties.

2. The declared price of the property does not include the commission of MIRELA (whenever such is due) and the state costs of the transaction (local tax, notarial fees and the fee to the Registry Agency, which (tax and fees) are totaling about 3,5 - 4,0% of the total value of the property.
For advice on how to calculate transaction costs, you can contact a lawyer at Mirela Ltd.
on 02 9812345 from 09.00 to 18.00 on weekdays.

3. We can offer you a property with similar characteristics in one of our other projects.
You should also bear in mind that we do not always display on our website all free and current independent properties in the specific project.

4. You can get a free consultation on choosing the most suitable property for you by contacting our agent and arranging an appointment.

5. After choosing a particular property, you provide a guarantee of your intentions to buy it at a certain price and terms. If we do not negotiate the same price and terms, we will refund your guarantee.

6. Here you can see the practical advice of the NRA on renting, buying and selling real estate.

We work openly and responsibly, with clear rules, to offer you accurate service.
All your questions can be addressed to the agent responsible for the offering and sale of this property.

We will be happy to have you as our client!

Head Agent
Phone: 0883948337

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* Marked location on the map may not be exactly.