Spirit of Burgas festival to promote Bulgarian musicians


Bulgarian music festival Spirit of Bourgas is joining forces with the Central European Talent Exchange Programme (CETEP) to promote Bulgarian musicians, private channel bTV reported on June 23 2011.

A total of 14 festivals from central, eastern and southeastern Europe are members of CETEP: Live Music Festival, Poland, Pohoda, Slovakia, Rock for People, the Czech Republic, Taksirat, Macedonia, T-Mobile Music Festival, Croatia, Woodstock festival, Poland, B'estfest, Romania, Exit, Serbia, Sziget, Hungary, Heineken Open'er Festival, Poland, Positivus Festival, Latvia and Eurosonic Noorderslag, the Netherlands, which is the programme co-ordinator.

All 14 music forums will work closely and exchange DJs and artists in the respective countries.

CETEP will promote local musicians and help them boost their profile in concert programmes as currently most of them are warm-up artists of popular bands.

The Spirit of Bourgas festival takes place on August 12-14 2011.

Text and photo: sofiaecho.com

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